Hiring & Training

HP is a member of Tent U.S. and Tent México exploring opportunities to help refugees enter the labor market, including through employment or job preparation.

HP is helping provide better access to employment and supporting the economic inclusion of Ukrainian refugee women in Europe.

Tailoring Products

HP committed to establishing six HP Learning Studios in Lebanon and Jordan to engage refugee youth in developing skills and help to give refugee students access to the latest education technology while providing adults the opportunity for employment re-skilling.

HP also committed to piloting the HP School Cloud, a new technology which brings open education resources to rural and underserved communities, to improve education outcomes for refugees in Uganda. HP and its partners, including Education Cannot Wait, UNHCR and Learning Equality, will start in 3 schools. Based on the success of the pilot, the commitment may expand to 15 schools in Uganda, impacting approximately 5,000 children, and be scaled to other countries.

In-kind Donation

HP committed to expanding the HP Learning Initiative for Entrepreneurs (HP LIFE) with additional free online courses and curated content to help refugees develop essential business and IT skills. In addition, HP is working with partners to increase access to technology and improve learning outcomes in refugee-hosting countries such as Malawi.