Media Center

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Statement Regarding Tent’s Work and Member Company Commitments in the United States

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Se Lanza Tent México, una Coalición formada por 50 empresas, con el Objetivo Conjunto de Facilitar la Integración Laboral de Refugiados y Migrantes en México

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Tent México, A Coalition of 50 Companies, Launches With Shared Commitment to Connect Refugees and Migrants to Jobs in Mexico

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Tent Partnership for Refugees and IOM Announce Global Partnership to Help Refugees and Migrants Find Jobs

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New Private Sector Coalition Tent France Launches With More Than 30 Companies and Shared Commitment to Advance the Labor Market Integration of Refugees in France

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Lancement de Tent France, un collectif de plus de 30 grandes entreprises s’engageant à favoriser l’intégration des réfugiés sur le marché du travail en France

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PRESS RELEASE: Major Companies Pledge to Help Afghan Refugees Advance Their Careers with Support of U.S. Military Veterans

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PRESS RELEASE: Tent Partnership for Refugees Announces PayPal and The Starbucks Foundation as Founding Partners of Tent’s U.S. Refugee Mentorship Programs

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PRESS RELEASE: Tent Partnership for Refugees Launches New U.S. Advisory Council and Expands Board of Directors

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PRESS RELEASE: Business leaders issue urgent call for companies in Europe to integrate Ukrainians and other refugees, as needs shift and new data shows overwhelming consumer support towards brands hiring refugees

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