Guide on Redesigning the Tech Hiring Process to Include Displaced Talent

MIT Refugee Action Hub, Na’amal, TalentLift, World Education Services | November 2021

As labor shortages hamper the post-Covid-19 recovery, nearly 80% of CEOs in the U.S. say they are concerned about filling tech roles. Refugees are currently an underleveraged talent pool that can help fill these gaps, and pioneering companies are already looking to refugee talent as part of their talent acquisition strategies. This guide offers guidance for tech companies on hiring and integrating refugees, and includes:

  • Background information on how tech companies can hire refugees, including through relocation or remote opportunities
  • Why companies should consider hiring refugees in the tech sector
  • Interviews with refugees who are working in tech in their host countries
  • An overview of the hiring process, and recommendations for companies on how to adapt their recruitment and onboarding processes to reduce barriers for refugee candidates

This guide is a collaboration between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Refugee Action Hub, Na’amal, TalentLift, World Education Services, and the Tent Partnership for Refugees. Insights and ideas are drawn from a series of workshops that took place in September 2021, which brought together tech hiring teams across Canada, refugee candidates, and supporting non-profit or training organizations.